Category Archives: Criminal Law

Sentencing Guidelines for Criminal Use of a Firearm in New York

Much like the criminal possession of a weapon in New York, the criminal use of a firearm is a violent felony subject to harsh mandatory minimum sentencing laws.  This article will explain which weapons count as firearms, go over some of the reasons a person could be charged with this offense, and outline the mandatory …

Sentencing Guidelines for Criminal Possession of a Weapon in New York

Bans on criminal possession of a weapon are some of the most aggressively-enforced laws in New York – and a convicted offender will face some of New York’s toughest criminal penalties.  While judges typically have discretion when determining how an offender should be sentenced within a certain range, New York’s mandatory minimum sentencing laws create …

Despite Overall Drop in Marijuana Arrests, Arrests of Minorities Increase

In November of 2014, roughly one year ago, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and NYPD Chief Bill Bratton began to alter NYC’s approach to marijuana possession. The NYPD’s policies resulted in the disproportion application of “stop and frisk” interactions with young African-American and Latino men. These frequent interactions resulted in arrest rates that …

Is it Legal for the Police to Lie to Criminal Suspects?

New Yorkers should know that, in certain scenarios, it is legal for the NYPD to lie.  However, while deceit is permissible within certain bounds, there are also times when an officer’s conduct crosses the line from acceptable behavior into coercion and even entrapment.  The concept of police entrapment is shrouded by a stubborn veil of …

Can You Get Arrested For Smoking Marijuana In NY?

In the United States, marijuana is becoming more and more liberalized. States such as Washington and Colorado have completely legalized marijuana, while Washington DC and Philadelphia have decriminalized it. A common question that many people find themselves asking is whether their city or state has legalized/decriminalized marijuana.

Can I Be Charged for Sexual Assault If Someone Was Drunk?

People commonly find themselves wondering about how alcohol interacts with the law. In a situation where an individual consumes alcohol, they do not always make the same decisions they would have made had they been sober. This creates intense conflict between what an individual’s rights are when they are intoxicated, and furthermore how to deal …

Greed or a Desire to make “Fast Cash” Can Implicate an Individual in Mail Fraud or Mail Theft

The continuing difficult economy in light of the rapidly increasing cost of living has led some individuals to take increasingly desperate action to make ends meet. While some people are able to find their niche in life rather quickly, others may struggle for years or never fully get their feet under them. This can cause …

NYC Probation Department Hosts Anti-Gun Street Fair in Jamaica, Queens

The New York City Department of Probation is responsible for monitoring adult and juvenile probationers across the city.  On its website, the Department says one of its missions is to “build stronger and s威而鋼 afer communities” through “meaningful education” and “family engagement.”  Toward achieving that goal, earlier this month the Department hosted a street fair …